Monday, January 10, 2011

It's official!!!

I am now starting my teaching courses and have started the ball rolling to student teach in January of 2012! Slowly but surely I'm getting there. My mentor has been very pleased with how much I have gotten done considering how difficult my classes were last semester. She has had so much faith in me and my abilities. She stated that she highly recommends that I student teach in that I have excelled very quickly with the difficult level of classes that I took and passed last term. The classes for this term are supposed to be easier if you have had previous teaching experiences and seeing as how I have taught kindergarten for the past 6 years she said this should be a breeze. I hope so. I just can't wait to be done and really teaching in the school systems. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's only been 12 years in the making. I guess that the saying "slow and steady wins the race" might just be true after all!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for you Jen!!!! You are going to do well. Thank you for making my week last week. Yo ualways keep me laughing!
