Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm terrible I know

Its been too long I know but I've been busy. First off as of January I had to have 26 papers finished for school in order to start student teaching ink August. The good news is I now have 5 more to go and I will have made that April 1st dead line. Also Leighton was in basketball and is now in baseball which takes up a lot of time. However he is doing wonderful in school we njust had his parent teacher conferences and found out he is reading on a 6th grade reading level and is more then excelling in math. He also found out that his specialty teachers gave him the only 3+ in band that she gave to his whole class. All his teachers love him and all his hard work. Xia is doing very well in Spanish she can already Read from Spanish to English pretty fluently and is loving every minute of it. Jake and I are celebrating our 12 year annaversary tomorrow and I got two new toys first a 27 inch iMac which I love pictures to follow, and also the new iPad 3 which I am also loving.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I can't believe leighton is reading so well! That's awesome. And I'm jealous about your Mac. You are spoiled. :)
