Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snow Party

When starting out on his bucket list on this day Jake had decided to make a snowman with the kids. I want you to notice how involved they are. Notice Xia in the background and Leighton is nowhere to be seen until the end.

This next picture is where Leighton comes in this is about 20 minutes into the process.

The finished product wasn't even a snowman Lei called it a snow bull and then proceeded to ride it.

Again if you were paying attention Xia was noticed in the back ground and towards then end her finished project was a couple snow angles. She couldn't be bothered with all the pushing and rolling involved. In her words "that's too much work!"

This next few are of our friend Ladd who is living with us (notice the wonderful snow attire) is teaching Xia how to do a snowball fight. All Xia was doing was running up to people hitting the snow onto them and then she would run. In the meantime she couldn't figure out why everyone was throwing them and hitting her while she is running at them.

In this one you see what I mean once Xia spotted you with a snow ball she would fall on the ground and wait for it to hit her.

All in all Xia's face summed it up!

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